Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bucket List...√

So Pinterest has these things from a person's bucket list of things to do, and it inspired me. And I want to start  blogging on each little thing on that list, however, I am going to start this series off with few things I am thankful I can check off my bucket list.

~ Marrying the man God designed just for me √, dancing in the rain √, owning a puppy √, getting married √, repelling √, white water raftng √, holding a kaola √, petting a Kangeroon √, cracking a whip √, skinny dipping √, jumping off a cliff √, taking a risk √, laughing to the point of tears √, chopping down a Christmas tree √, connecting with my parents √, hearing God's voice √, holding a new born baby √, watching a Big sister meet her little brother for the first time √, talking to my older brothers √, watching my little brother graduate √, snorkeling √, feeling God's presence √, going to watch Christmas lights √, being suprised √, crying tears of joy √, leading someone to Christ √, going to Australia √, feeling accepted √, being stronger than you ever thought possible √, letting go √, feeling wanted √, making an amazing cupcake √, fighting for what you know is right √, riding a roller coaster √, driving a stick shift √, singing well in front of people √, owning a kitten, being an aunt √, kissing in the rain √, canning √, leading worship √, being a sister √,  doing a good job √, realizing how blessed I am √.......living √.

The list goes on and on, but the same thing is being said: It doesn't matter what I want to do, where I want to go, or what I want to be. What matters is what I've done and what I am doing. I. AM. SO. BLESSED! I have done more and experienced more in my 22 years of life than most will ever experience. The things I've experienced may not be what I wanted or thought I needed, but they have brought me to this exact moment and for that I am very grateful.