Monday, October 8, 2012

Kate's Birthday

Alight so I finally put Katence down long enough to write this out. I wanted to tell her birth story because everyone has been asking, but have been so in love with her sweet face that I haven't stopped staring long enough to do so.

But here it is, at least how I remember it all. So, we had to stop preterm labor at 31.4 weeks, that took 2 days of Magnesium and a couple steroid shots,but she stayed in. Than again at 32.4 weeks, went back at 33 for contractions, and at 34 for contractions both times that were 3 minutes or less apart. And so started the prodromal labor phase of my pregnancy. I was so blessed with such a wonderful pregnancy that as hard and frustrating as 7 weeks of false labor was, I can still say it was an amazing 9 months.

I honestly think that I began inactive labor Tuesday around 4 p.m. I had almost like a wave come over me, and got really hot & started feeling sick, not to mention the contractions were a lot more uncomfortable. That whole night & next day I felt gross & was REALLY over being pregnant. At about 5 I started thinking I might really be in labor and around 8 my mom convinced me to go into Labor & delivery. We went in and I was at 3 cm dilated, which was a cm more than Monday so we were all hopeful! But, after an hour there was no change, even though my contractions were about 2 minutes apart and about 90 seconds long. So, we went home to see what would happen.

Suzy came home with us and took me on a walk, with the dogs, and crashed on our couch. I had told everyone to sleep, in case they had to work the next day, because we weren't sure if this was real. Well, I was up all night on the birthing ball laboring...and at about 5:45 started throwing up, and had been shivering for a few hours. We decided it was best to go in and get re-checked because I HAD to be further dilated.

Sue brought me in so Gabe could deal with work and I had a nurse come in & check me. I was 3 cm 80% effaced, and stretchy. But she wouldn't stretch me because I wasn't 39 weeks....she wasn't very nice. God obviously stepped in at that point because I had a new nurse come in & re-check me and she decided to stretch me & admit me because she could tell it was the real deal. Gabe, my mom, & Sue got out of work for the day and came up and Carli came up and they all labored with me. Well, after a couple hours I was checked again and at 4 cm. It only took 18 hours to go from a 3 to a 4. And than I stayed there for a couple hours so my doctor decided to have Dr. Williams pop my water. That got things moving!

I am so grateful for my wonderful nurses who not only were super supportive of my choice to birth naturally, but who had great coping methods & positions to help me move labor along and get through it. One of my nurses even stayed in the room holding the monitor on me because Katence kept falling off. A couple hours later I was at a 6, and for sure feeling like I was in full labor. I labored for about an hour like that and not only was making some crazy noises, but was done. I was so grateful for my team who helped me stick to my plan, because I was tired & hurting big time and not getting much relief between contractions.

I started saying I couldn't do it, my wonderful birthing team encouraged me, letting me know I could do it, and my nurse came in hearing my noises and wanted to check me again. I thought for sure she would say I was at an 8, and I just couldn't do it much longer. She was trying to get me to  move from my knees facing backwards on the bed to on my back because she knew it was go time. I fought it for a bit, because moving seemed like the most awful thing ever.

I turned onto my back and she checked and asked if I was ready to push. Boy was I! The nurses let me start pushing and decided to call the doc. Apparently, Katence was ready to get out because things moved pretty quick. I had to figure out how to push correctly, I kept trying to push even after the contraction was over, I just really wanted her out. After that the nurses said they weren't sure if the doctor would make it in time. I think I had pushed through 5 or 6 contractions when Dr. Van Kirk came in, even though he was supposed to be off. After he came in I think I had 3 more contractions and than Dr. Van Kirk told me to stop pushing.  I argued with him saying I couldn't, because there was a baby coming out of me! He assured me that I could and told me to reach down. I was so confused at this point!

I did not understand why I wasn't pushing, and why I was reaching down. Earlier he had asked if I wanted her on my stomach after she was born and of course I had said yes. Well, he was letting me finish delivering her. I reached down and finished pulling her out, bringing her to my stomach. As I pulled there was a big "POP" and than blood sprayed everywhere! Not only was there blood everywhere, but she had been holding almost all the amniotic fluid in so there was a gush of water everywhere too! Dr. Van Kirk swept her into his arms and took her to the side to clamp her umbilical cord, which had snapped. My nurse, Linda, clamped my end saying "that's not sanitary."

Katence was crying over on the table & Gabe was right by her side. I was so confused & scared and my mom & Suzy kept saying, "She's ok, listen to her." They had to check her oxygen levels because she was panting, but she was getting more than enough air. And than I got to hold her! Every mom knows that feeling....

That amazing feeling of this sweet little one in your arms. That feeling like the rest of the world is gone & all that matters is that sweet baby in your arms. That feeling that can't be explained!

So almost exactly 24 hours after knowing I was in real labor Katence came into the world! She has been perfect since the very beginning! She latched almost instantly, she was super alert, hardly any tears, & just perfect!

I am so glad that I had such an amazing birth team, that not only was there to be quiet when I needed it, but was there to ice me down, braid my hair, shove fists in my back, and encourage me to stick to the birth plan. My husband was amazing & my warrior team of women were just phenomenal. I am beyond grateful for my nurses who not only had done at home births, but were so excited to be a part of my birth. I am amazed with Dr. Van Kirk who came even though he was supposed to be off and had been on call the whole night before, and had worked & monitored me all day. He was so quick with Katence, knowing exactly what she needed, even though he had only seen it one other time. He sewed me up nicely and just was the icing on the cake for the whole experience.

I am just speechless when I think about the whole thing. How amazing it all was & than I look at her sweet face & can't believe that God has blessed us so much! I have bounced back quickly, have had a super easy time nursing, she eats great, sleeps perfectly, and has been so active & alert I can't help but just soak up each moment.

I love being a mommy, every day is something new & even more perfect!