Sunday, May 22, 2011

If you want to hear God laugh...

So, I love the country song that says something along the lines of "if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans." So true! I am a planner, hate surprises! I look toward the next step whether its planning every minute of my weekend or the next 30 years, I have it all planned out. God has to laugh at my ideas and goals sometimes because they are so not his plans half the time. When I was a freshman and pretty much through my junior year I was dead set on Australia, I was going to live there for at least a few months, get a job, go to school, and maybe never leave. Then my wonderful husband came into my life...silly boys they ruin everything. But, God knew far in advance I would never live in Australia and he had such a better plan for me, one where I would be loved and would have a family that doubled in size and I would have a place I could never imagine leaving.

I am thankful I don't know everything that is to come sometimes, if you would have told me a boy would have kept me from Australia I would have laughed you out of the room, but ya know what I never thought there was a boy like Gabe out there. God has showed me and us that our plans are just silly and that we need to stop making them, or at least stop being surprised when they don't work. From looking for a house to my plans to stay healthy, God has known what the future would hold, and let me say his plan is SO much better!

I have been trying to go to school since I graduated, wanting a degree... thinking of running a physical therapy business, dreaming of being a successful therapist that people talk about all over. Well, yeah that would take like 12 years with working full time and traveling down to Sac and back for half of that adventure. Not to mention I am way behind thanks to all my surgeries and being sick so much. Now, I have NO desire to do that anymore, ya know what I want to be successful at? Being a great wife and an awesome mama someday Never thought I would ever say that, but that sounds way more satisfying.

Gabe was supposed to graduate with a degree that would throw him into a great career, come to find out that degree would have thrown us in the city (EWWW!) and to boot there is no work right now for that career.

O life! I honestly never thought I would be here. Living this life. I never thought I would have been through so much by 22 & be what I like to think of as kind of an adult. I never thought I would have experienced God so much not only for myself, but with my husband as well. Never thought I would long for a career that involved baking cupcakes! Never thought life could be so good! God knew! Every moment was planned by God. From the songs on the radio to the conversation my husband and I have been having all night.

So what is next God? What is the next step? The next adventure my husband & I get to go on with you in this crazy life? Is it a gourmet cupcake business? Is it a real yard for our house? You just let me know God & I will do my best to listen and trust that your plan is way better.

As for those next 30 years, I have no clue what they hold. All the plans I had for them have changed drastically & I do not even have a clue of what to try & plan in them. My life is at a place I have never been comfortable with, it is not planned, it is not micromanaged, it is happening. I am living it day by day and taking on the adventure as it comes. I do not know what tomorrow holds, or what opportunities will arise. I do know God is control, he has my life mapped out, and that means the road has got to be a pretty good one.

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