Monday, May 23, 2011

Opps! I forgot!

What! All of the sudden all my ideas, plans, & thoughts about my future have taken a turn. Not like it is all happening right now, but I kind of am in a weird spot. Being sick totally made me appreciate living life! It made me realize how fun it is to clean my house and how great a lick on the cheek can feel from your overly excited lab. I feel like I need to waste up for the last year that was spent on the couch, drugged up.  I appreciate life so much more and have no desire to waste it on certain things, and have a strong desire to jump head first into others.

Last year before I even had my appendectomy I was enrolled in Physiology. I was very overwhelmed with going to school on my lunch break and actually having to comprehend things I never knew. I dropped, it ended up being a good thing because I got appendicitis and would have failed from missing so much class. So, in the fall I started taking Anatomy, it consumed my life! Even though I was sick I was going to make it through, until the short term memory loss started and I found out I had the brain cysts...o.k. fine I dropped again. I went to sign up for it again this year and was actually dreading it... plus I can't even get on the wait list of 30 people because I am a returning student. Think I would have gotten the hint then, but NO! I am a little bit dense sometimes.

As silly as it sounds the many suggestions of starting a gourmet cupcake business have sparked my interests. I never would have thought I would have ever entertained the idea in a million years, but it sounds so perfect! I was being frustrated with not being able to enroll in classes today when I remembered something Tiff said to me last year when I started Physio and Anatomy, if you cant do it maybe you are supposed to be doing something else. I scoffed at the idea both times, thinking of course I can do it, just try and stop me. Um, well, God kind of did stop me.

I have always had a dream of being involved in physical therapy, since I was 6! At first it was to get a master's degree, but I soon realized working full time and getting my masters was going to take far too long. So then it was my BA, but then I realized it would involve lots of traveling and yet again it would be a long time before I would be able to get that degree. Ok, fine then how about athletic training, still not sure on this one, but looks like Shasta College no longer offers those classes! What they hay! Oh, wait, I forgot to ask God! Opps! I never have one time said "God what career have you chosen for me?" I have asked for Gabe many times, but never myself. How foolish! I just always assumed that I had these dreams of physical therapy because it was what I was supposed to do with my life. But, maybe not... maybe I had these dreams because it is where I am supposed to be now. I have an awesome job, with insurance, and vacation time. It pays the bills and I love what I do, but maybe it is not supposed to be my career.

Now, I am not saying my career is supposed to be a gourmet cupcake business, although that would rock, but maybe it is something I never thought of... So, I am now taking some pre-reqs in the fall, and a business class  I I said I can't register yet. I really love the idea of this though! It interests me, and I can take the classes all online, so I won't be overwhelmed!

Gabe & I have recently realized there are a few things we forgot to ask God about when we planned them out, and that was pretty silly. We are bringing those things to God now, asking Him what His plan is. You would think we would have learned that a long time ago, but like I said I am dense apparently or maybe it is just stubborn. Either way I am asking now, and doing my best to listen...who knows maybe I will end up a P.T. someday or maybe I will end up the cupcake queen, but right now I am happy at this place and will do my best to patiently wait for an answer.

Jeremiah 29:11-13  For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

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